
2024 Thailand Trip Report by Tansy Kadoe

One of our EC members, Tansy Kadoe, went to Thai-Burma border to help the people fleeing the conflict in Burma. 2024 Thailand Trip Report by Tansy Kadoe, Executive Committee Member of Friends of Burma (September 24 - October 13, 2024) Our recent trip to Thailand was a transformative experience, filled with opportunities for fellowship, learning, and direct service to communities profoundly affected by conflict in Burma. With heartfelt gratitude, we acknowledge the prayers and contributions that made this journey possible, particularly those from the supporters of Friends of Burma. Your enduring commitment continues to bring hope and healing to the people of Burma, year after year. The trip underscored the resilience of individuals in the face of adversity and highlighted the pressing needs of those we encountered. We successfully distributed 450 rice bags and 800 gift bags, a big blessing to many families and children. Financial contributions were made to support various ministries, en

Friends of Burma, Inc. Newsletter Fall 2024

As of March 2024, martial law has been enforced in 61 townships in the country of Burma with 8.2 million people affected. The continued armed conflict with the military junta in control of the country, along with the rising costs of basic goods due to inflation and limited civilian infrastructure due to the fighting, continues to drive displacement of the population. The UN Refugee Agency estimates that close to 2 million are now internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Burma due to widespread conflict, dire economic conditions and natural disasters such as cyclones and flooding. People with disabilities, the elderly, women-headed households, and people with medical conditions are particularly vulnerable. Many are desperate to find food, shelter and clothing after being forced to flee into the jungle to escape the military who continue to burn or destroy entire villages in their quest for control of the civilian population (Sources for the above paragraph are the UN Refugee Agency, Irraw

Friends of Burma, Inc. Newsletter Spring 2024

In this season of renewal, we pause to reflect on the blessings that have graced our journey.  To all of you who have opened your hearts to the suffering people of Burma, we say thank you. In the past, our major emphasis has been in the area of education, and you can see this in the wish list to support two educational endeavors. But in 2023 and 2024 we have tried to meet many more humanitarian needs than in the past.  We also give thanks to our wonderful board members who are increasingly taking on more responsibilities for helping to run Friends of Burma, which as we have repeatedly told you, is run by volunteers. Let us hope and pray for better times ahead for the wonderful country of Burma. IDP’s praying in Lashio State after receiving rice, cooking oil, and financial assistance Annual Meeting: A Recap Annual Zoom Board Meeting Pat Cordier We are thrilled to announce the newest addition to our team, board member Pat Cordier! Pat Cordier grew up in a mission family and is a long tim

Friends of Burma Annual Report 2023

FRIENDS OF BURMA ANNUAL REPORT 20 23 548 Home Ave. Ft. Wayne, IN 46807 neildianasowards@ gmail .com ( 260 ) 745-3658   “SOME VILLAGERS ARE EATING PIG FEED”  (Free Burma Rangers) “PEOPLE ARE DIVIDING PAIN PILLS INTO 4 PIECES AND SHARING” F.M. Sorting supplies for refugees (IDPs) Dear Friends and Supporters of Friends of Burma, The comments above are some of the things that are being conveyed to us about the situation in Burma.  This has been a year of great suffering for many people.  There is a civil war going on between the military and long time ethnic armies, joined by volunteers from the cities and villages.  If this is not bad enough, the military has been paying people to form militias to fight against the Peoples’ Defense Forces (PDFs).  This will have long term consequences because it is neighbor fighting neighbor.  There is little prospect for a cessation of fighting. Living arrangement for IDPs Since this is happening, the long time focus of FOB (th

No Safe Place

As you may have already known, the recent conflicts in Burma due to the military coup in 2021 have caused many people to be displaced from their villages. The military airstrikes against villages are causing havoc to local populations in various places. Free Burma Rangers , led by David Eubank, has been active on the frontline. "No Safe Place" is a new documentary following the Free Burma Rangers on a relief mission in Karenni State, Burma. We thought that it would be of interest to you regarding the latest situation in Burma. Watch on YouTube:

Friends of Burma, Inc. Newsletter Fall 2023

Dear our partners and friends, may the wisdom and blessings of the Fall Season be with you. As the brilliance of fall foliage is all around us, we are in many ways reminded to reflect on what we had sowed and relish those that have ripened and come to fruition, while also being aware of the need to let go to give way to new beginnings. Together with you, we have been able to brighten and give some hope to the people of Burma, struggling through one of the most challenging times in its history. While the troubles seem never-ending for them, we are humble to witness how they are blessed with resilience and perseverance. And for that, FOB is grateful to be part of the blessings. Your love, care and support are greatly appreciated, and we are convinced more than ever that your continuing support is increasingly essential for those in dire needs. In Romans 12:12, it reads “be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” Let us continue to bring hope, share the pain and pray r

Friends of Burma, Inc. Newsletter Spring 2023

Dear friends, Spring is here once again, and we thank the Lord for His faithfulness and His provision. In this time of the year, everything around us become more alive and vibrant, pointing us to the creator who is in control of every season.  The war in Ukraine continued and many people in Burma continued to suffer due to conflict inside the country.  Many around the world are also suffering under various circumstances.  We pray that these trying times will be over soon and hope will come again to those who are in the midst of the suffering season. We look around and see many things that are unsettling and worrisome, but we encourage ourselves in the Lord and carry on with the strength of our Creator.  2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that “For we live by faith, not by sight”.  We thank you for partnering with us to bring hope and healing to the people of Burma.  Your generous gifts and prayers are greatly appreciated.  One of our board members wrote why she supports Friends of Burma: My na