Friends of Burma Annual Report 2017

We are now entering our 33rd year with one part time financial secretary in Burma (Myanmar) and a hard working core of volunteers here and in Burma. Our board of sixteen is all volunteers. Several have visited Burma and helped carry out our work there. We are small but do important work. Report from Thanda who FOB helped train in Singapore in Music. Music students at Ko Tha Pyu Seminary, Pathein, Burma. I just simply would like to update about my ministry. By God’s grace and guidance, I can overcome another year of teaching ministry after I graduated from Singapore Bible College. For the academic year of 2017-18, we have 18 students who join for Certificate of Church Music and another 4 students who take Diploma course. Through the ups and downs, we all went through the process of preparing them to be a useful instrument for their future ministry. Last year we could present Christmas Cantata in our own dialect (which is composed by the local composer) to the Churches...