Friends of Burma Annual Report 2019

Overview. Looking back over the last year I am pleased with everything we accomplished. While we are a small organization, we have a very dedicated board which works hard and gives generously. We are supported by a core of donors who faithfully support the work in Burma, many of them for many years. Last year $496,486 was entrusted to us which we passed on to our programs in Burma (Myanmar). Our three largest programs are 1. Orphan support, 2. Sowards Memorial Scholarships and 3. Medical support. About $200,000 of that income was from partner organizations which we passed on to their programs which ranged from Leprosy Hospital, Bible Schools, Deaf School, medical care in the Chin state and graduates of Child Care Centers. So between our programs and their programs, we had a profound effect on the lives of a good number of persons in Burma. We support 119 children in Child Care Centers with $43,057. Childcare is a more accurate term since many are not orphans, but desperately poo...