Friends of Burma, Inc. Newsletter Fall 2016

We always like to remind our donors that we continue to be an all volunteer organization. While NGO's in Rangoon have workers who live in fancy hotels and receive pay in the range of $2,000 per month, Friends of Burma has only one lone person who lives at home and makes sure that donations get to the right place. Our helper is someone who lives there and knows the situation, better than someone who comes in from Sweden or the USA. Michele Kessler Our board member, Michele Kessler, spent 40 hours working on the mandated government forms, the 990, which must be submitted every year for 501(c)3 charities. This form was 40 pages long and required that we tell in detail what donations we received and how they were distributed. Although we're small, we give you, the donors, the biggest bang for your buck. Thanks to Michele, and previously to Jim Tompkins, for the hard work they did for FOB. We thank you all. Diana Sowards A Letter from Tansy After nine years, I received the ...