We always like to remind our donors that we continue to be an all volunteer organization. While NGO's in Rangoon have workers who live in fancy hotels and receive pay in the range of $2,000 per month, Friends of Burma has only one lone person who lives at home and makes sure that donations get to the right place. Our helper is someone who lives there and knows the situation, better than someone who comes in from Sweden or the USA.
Michele Kessler |
Our board member, Michele Kessler, spent 40 hours working on the mandated government forms, the 990, which must be submitted every year for 501(c)3 charities. This form was 40 pages long and required that we tell in detail what donations we received and how they were distributed. Although we're small, we give you, the donors, the biggest bang for your buck. Thanks to Michele, and previously to Jim Tompkins, for the hard work they did for FOB. We thank you all. Diana Sowards
A Letter from Tansy
After nine years, I received the opportunity to visit my family in Burma. My husband, Adam, and our kids, Zoe and Zachary, flew to Burma on June 11. The trip was sweet in that I got to see my relatives. I am taking two online summer classes and as a result was kept quite busy. Nevertheless, I was blessed with the opportunity to visit Karen Baptist (KBC) Hospital and Dr. Chit Maung Library a few times.
KBC Hospital continues to strive in its healing ministries. The hospital is crowded and operating at greater than the maximum capacity. Patients near and far rely on the hospital for affordable care. Most notably, the new elevator stood tall transporting patients up and down comfortably and most important of all, safely. The hospital repeated to me how thankful they are to the donors. I was blessed with the opportunity to meet the new medical superintendent, Dr. Maureen, who is committed to the continuous improvement of the hospital care. [
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Dr. Chit Maung Library
The library users of Dr. Chit Maung Library |
Dr. Chit Maung Library was established in July, 1997, supported by FOB. By the grace of God we will celebrate our 20th Anniversary next year 2017.
It is located in Insein, a suburban area of Yangon. As a growing organization we can expand our programs not only for library services, but also other services such as English learning center for children, fitness center and internet service center. We provide free internet service but collect reasonable fees for English classes and fitness. The income from those services support our organization to be self sustainable. And the whole community gains from it.
English Class |
The English learning center is the most successful program of Dr. Chit Maung Library. We offer regular English classes and preparation classes for the international English test which is held by Cambridge University. [
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Matthew 25 Love Hospital
KBC Hospital and Matthew 25 Love Hospital are famous hospitals under the umbrella of the Karen Baptist Convention. Matthew 25 Love Hospital, which is located in Pathein township, run by Pathein Myaungmya Sgaw Kayin Baptist Association. It serves people who need health care not only from Pathein township area but also people from Irrawaddy villages. The hospital and association would like to thank our generous donors for $1,500.00. It was a great support for the hospital.
Staff at Matthew 25 Love Hospital |
Matthew 25 has 5 doctors and 27 staff who dedicate themselves. It is not a big hospital, but within six months, they served 9,693 patients. They provide treatments such as surgery including C-section, appendicitis, cyst, Lipoma, hydrocele, hernia, phimosis, fibroids, and other services such as normal labour (viginal delivery) and ultrasound diagnosis. They also accept patients for dental care. They plan to extend the building because of the increasing number of patients who need health care. The hospital tries their best by the healing ministry to glorify God.
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Mystery of Music
FOB got a letter from Saw Lah Eh Shee, from Ko Tha Byu Baptist seminary, currently studying music at Silliman University in Philippines. He is sponsored by FOB. Saw expressed his heartfelt thanks to FOB for giving him a great opportunity to expand his knowledge abroad. He said, "Burma is in the dark age of Music and most people do not understand the value of Music." He promised that he will try his best upgrading his knowledge and skills. After graduation, he is going back to his country to distribute his musical knowledge to students from Ko Tha Byu seminary, churches and Christian community across the country. Let's brighten our our Christian life through MUSIC!
New Eden Childcare Center
Maung San Ko Ko cutting dry wood |
We will move out! New Eden orphanage center plans to move from a rural area to an Urban area near Hinthada Association compound coming 2017. They are currently located in a small village near Kaw Thar Baptist Church, Mandalaygone. Lacking of transportation to and from school is making them move out to a better place for their future education. Naw Htay Lar Saung, Care and Counselling director, said, "Children are organized under the leadership of their caregivers. They are doing well and also help in growing vegetables to save their kitchen expenses. Even though we have only 2 staff to take care of 18 children, we are blessed by members from Kaw Thar Baptist church who always help us by taking care of children." We will miss you Kaw Thar Baptist Church!
Working on the weekends |
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Future Shining Stars
Saw Michael (Hpu Saw Bu Childcare Center) |
Naw Kyi Pya, one of the orphans from Hpu Saw Bu Orphanage, graduated from high school in June 2016, and prepares for the enrollment of University. Saw Michael and Saw Aung Phyo Min are in senior high school this year, and they try very hard studying. They also give their helping little hands by doing cleaning, painting, and other chores as needed at the shelter. But we are very sorry for Saw Lwe Htoo and Naw Blue May Paw, who left the shelter without finishing High School.
Digging a pond to breed eels |
Hpu Saw BU orphanage is organized by KBC and sponsored by FOB. It is located in Myaungmya, Delta. This year the center organized livestock breeding, raising some pigs and 500 chickens. They also plan to breed eels and now have started digging pond to put eel. Livestock breeding is not only earning some money to support some of their expense but also organizing orphans to participate work together and learn about teamwork.
Chicken breeding |
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Wish List
- $500 for musical instruments for Saw Lah Eh Shee at Silliman University.
- $1,000 medical equipment for the KBC Hospital to meet the pressing needs.
- $360 to sponsor one new orphan.
- $400 to help students in college.
- $1,000 to help medical student who graduated at the top of his high school class.
If you are looking for
someone to help this Christmas, send us $20 or $50 and we will have someone in Burma give it to a needy person or village.
This newsletter was prepared by Anna Barbara Maung, Diana Sowards and Lwin Moe.
Friends of Burma, Inc. 548 Home Ave. Ft. Wayne, IN 46807
Tel. 260-745-3658, Email: neildianasowards@juno.com
Website: http://friendsofburma.org, Blog: http://blog.friendsofburma.org
E-Newsletters: http://news.friendsofburma.org