
Showing posts from January, 2019

Friends of Burma Annual Report 2018

"Pure unsoiled religion in the judgment of God the Father means this: to care for *orphans and widows in their trouble….." (James 1:27) *As in Matthew, the word implies personal service and help. [James Moffatt translation.] When Friends of Burma first began in 1985, we focused on higher education primarily. In the 1990's the Karen Baptist Convention (KBC) began operating orphanages for the many children who were products of unrest in Karen and Shan states, and for children of very poor villages. Thus, FOB began supporting orphans. We now support nine childcare centers under the KBC, one under the supervision of the Loikaw Baptist church, and one long time independent facility in Taunggyi, which was originally started by 3 sisters. Although there are other donors who give support, our support is crucial for the continued survival of the KBC facilities. Here is a success story for one of the orphans. Naw Esther, first arrived at the orphanage on June 1, 1998 and bega...