Friends of Burma, Inc. Newsletter Spring 2023

Dear friends, Spring is here once again, and we thank the Lord for His faithfulness and His provision. In this time of the year, everything around us become more alive and vibrant, pointing us to the creator who is in control of every season.  The war in Ukraine continued and many people in Burma continued to suffer due to conflict inside the country.  Many around the world are also suffering under various circumstances.  We pray that these trying times will be over soon and hope will come again to those who are in the midst of the suffering season. We look around and see many things that are unsettling and worrisome, but we encourage ourselves in the Lord and carry on with the strength of our Creator.  2 Corinthians 5:7 tells us that “For we live by faith, not by sight”.  We thank you for partnering with us to bring hope and healing to the people of Burma.  Your generous gifts and prayers are greatly appreciated. 

One of our board members wrote why she supports Friends of Burma:

My name is Naw May Pearl Cartee, and I am from Pathein, Myanmar.  I was sponsored by a former missionary to Burma, to study at Judson College in Illinois.  I am thankful for the scholarship from Judson College and the generous support of my sponsor and her friends as well as a wonderful Karen host family, through whom God has blessed me. I am also thankful for my education at Northern Illinois University and my awesome American host family, without whom I would not have finished my graduate study at NIU. My American host parents introduced me to Friends of Burma, and I learned about the great things that FOB has done for the people of Burma, such as supporting seminary students, providing financial assistance for clinics and hospitals to purchase needed medicines and equipment,  providing for orphan children, for their daily meal and education,  empowering women and men to get themselves out of poverty and have hope for the future, and many more.  I am glad to be able to help my fellow country men and women. My gift may be small compared to the need in Burma, but I believe that God will bless it and use it. As I gladly receive help from others in my time of need, I also hope that I can be a channel of blessing to others, in their time of need.

We would like to share with you how your prayers and generous gifts have given hope to many who are suffering in Myanmar, also known as Burma. 

Please continue to read the newsletter in PDF format on our website.


Friends of Burma, Inc. 548 Home Ave. Ft. Wayne, IN 46807
Tel. 260-745-3658, Email:
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